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MIG - Goal Zero Safety


Dedicated to Promoting a
Safe, Healthy Workplace


We firmly believe that the health and welfare of our employees and the employees of our customers are the top priorities of every job.

At Maddox Industrial Group (MIG) we take safety seriously and go to great lengths to provide a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for both our employees and our customers.  
We perform our work to the highest standards with a goal zero approach: zero incidents, zero accidents, and zero environmental releases.  We provide multiple layers of protection–particularly during unplanned/upset conditions—which is when the most serious incidents are most likely to occur—to achieve our safety goals.  

We have developed our own stringent safety procedures and work processes that keep safety at top of mind on every job.  Our highly-trained workforce knows and understands what is expected—and how to signal for help if a job or task cannot be executed safely.  

Each and every employee knows and expects their co-workers to look out for one another and our number one priority at all times is to keep everyone safe.
Our safety program includes a Site Specific Safety Plan which each employee adheres to throughout each project.  Among other things, these plans include:
  • General contractor and subcontractor safety meetings
  • Safety requirements—that are written into subcontractor contracts
  • MSDS records
  • Task safety analysis
  • Local clinic instructions
We work closely with our insurance carriers to manage claims and minimize losses.  Losses and statistical performance data are submitted annually and audited by independent firms.  Audited safety performance data is available upon request.


Call us today to learn more: +1 (317) 870-2400 or click to contact us below:

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MIG Flipbook Cover

FREE Download: Capabilities & Services Flip Book

Our Specialized Services for Essential Industrial Infrastructure  - Capabilities & Services Flip Book includes:

  • Complete Overview of MIG's Capabilities & Services
  • Engineering Services Overview
  • Detailed Review of Fabrication Capabilities & Materials
  • More